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Two Makes a Match

Writer: Serena ChloeSerena Chloe

Updated: Mar 11, 2019

The two young women laid sprawled out on Tory’s bed, flipping through bridal magazines while listening to music and sharing their second bottle of wine. Strewn about the bed and surrounding floor were cut outs of white dresses, color palettes clipped together with brightly colored paper clips, various cardstock samples, and at least three of every kind of fake flower Tory happened to find beautiful in the moment.

Serena was thrilled to be asked to be Maid of Honor but she did have to admit to a hint of jealousy. Not for her friend’s upcoming wedding and all the excitement surrounding her as she plans her fairytale happily ever after, but because wine bottle number one had Tory loose lipped about the very kinky and erotic world her fiance transports her to whenever he can. The most erotic excitement Serena has had in the past eight months was a pack of fresh batteries for her multi speed vibrating dildo.

“...and dude, when he finally stopped edging me and let me cum, holy fucking hell. It was mind blowing. I never knew sex could be so good.”

“You sure we don’t need to be looking for a red dress for you to wear instead?” Serena cracked a grin as she reached for her wine glass.

“Ha ha.” Tory retorted sardonically as she transitioned from laying on her stomach to sitting up. She grabbed her own wine glass before continuing. “I think Scott would rather enjoy the sight of his personal whore dressed all in white. Like a cloak of innocence he knows he can take off.”

“Yeah, well if I don’t get real dick soon, I might be mistaken for innocent again.” Serena commented as she flipped through the magazine in her lap with her free hand.

When she looked up, Tory was giving her a very obvious ‘like that’ll ever happen’ look that sent Serena into a fit of tipsy giggles. After a beat, Tory joined in and the two laughed hysterically, fueled by the warm buzz of wine.

“Have you tried Tinder?” Tory asked once they had mostly recovered themselves. “I mean, if you’re just needing to fuck, apparently a Tinder fuck is the new speed dating.”

“Why would scouring the edges of the fuck boy internet pool sound any more appealing than bar hopping? I’d probably end up with a big game talker using his kind-of-looks-like-him-but-way-hotter best friend’s pic instead of his own who thinks the entire purpose of foreplay is just to get me wet enough to shove it in and pump his hips for approximately 180 seconds.” When Serena looked back up at her friend again, she was met with disbelieving, somewhat stunned eyes. She furrowed her brows in confusion.

“Okay, intervention time. Clearly.” Tory said then grabbed her phone and started texting with the speed of light.

“What are you doing?”

“Shh!” Tory responded without looking up or pausing her ferociously flying fingers.

Serena refilled her glass and sipped more wine while she watched her friend text with someone on her phone as if she alone was responsible for saving a NASA mission. After several intense moments of her tapping away and Serena teetering between curiosity and bewilderment, Tory finally tore herself away from her phone and looked up at Serena with a huge shit eating grin.

“Okay, so you’re going out with us Thursday night.” Tory said matter-of-factly while she placed her phone back on the nightstand. Serena raised an eyebrow so Tory continued. “Scott has a friend who has been a mentor of sorts to him…”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Serena cut Tory off. “You’re setting me up with one of Scott’s friends?”

“Not just a friend. He was a T.A. for one of Scott’s main professors during his last couple years at college. He mentored him throughout and is actually the guy that taught him everything he knows about amazing, kinky sex. Sex that I can obviously vouch for.” Tory smirked.

Serena stared at her friend in contemplation while she took another sip, mulling over the possibilities. “So, you’re saying he isn’t a fuck boy?”

“More like, a fucking man. He’s about eight years older than Scott.”

“He doesn’t run around with Scott’s usual group of friends?”

Tory shook her head while taking a long sip and shot Serena a ‘tell me I’m a genius” look.

“Well, I guess there’s no harm in meeting him. Worst case scenario, I save you from being a third wheel to their bromance.” Serena snickered.

Tory rolled her eyes and the two women went back to wedding planning.


Thursday, Serena spent the entire day reeling as if she was going on her very first date. She contemplated every detail, from hair to what she wore under her clothes. She decided to go simple but elegant with a cream push up bra detailed with delicate lace, matching thong, and nude, lace top thigh highs under a very grown up, but still sensual, little black dress. It hugged her curves without clinging too tightly and showed an ample amount of cleavage with the assistance of the push up bra.

The restaurant was the fancy kind with white tuxedoed waiters and plush carpeting to cushion the many stiletto heels. It was far different from the usual dive bars Serena was used to but she enjoyed the experience as the Maitre D escorted her to the table where Scott and Tory were already seated. As soon as her chair was pushed in for her, and she had exchanged greetings with the couple, a waiter was at the table to fill her crystal champagne flute with the chilled bottled already uncorked at the table.

“You look beautiful!” Tory gushed once they were finally alone. “Will is going to be blown away.”

“Thanks. Is he running behind?” She asked, noting that she had arrived about five minutes past the arranged time. She was feeling jittery with nerves she couldn’t explain.

“He got caught behind a wreck almost as soon as it happened but he said to enjoy drinks and hor d'oeuvres while we wait.”

While they chatted and enjoyed the fine dining, Serena found her thoughts drifting to daydreams of the man she was about to meet. She visualized how he would look, what he would wear. She went over the filthy words he would say as he thrust himself into her willing cunt. Words articulated by a man of great self-assurance and masculinity.

Normally very skeptical, Serena wasn’t sure why she was reacting so strongly. Perhaps it was knowing this mystery man mentored the very one who takes her friend to extraordinary heights of pleasure on a regular basis. Maybe it was meeting him in such a beautiful and exclusive place. A tiny part of her brain attempted to tug her back into reality; it’s just the eight months talking, desperate slut.

“Ah, the man of the hour!” Scott interrupted her thoughts. “It’s so good to see ya, Will!” Scott shook the hand of a very tall, commanding man.

He didn’t look anything like she imagined; he was better. He wore a stylish, fitted suit that meshed well with his maturity. His features were more rugged, manlier in comparison to Scott’s or her imagination. The air of confidence was definitely not in short supply though, and as Scott introduced them the world around her faded into blackness and he became sharper. She knew she was speaking to him and he was smiling as he responded but the sounds didn’t penetrate the dazzling fog overtaking her senses.

Serena was only capable of feeling and seeing. Feeling the warm liquid gold of his words instead of hearing them. Feeling his lips, soft and strong, as he pressed them intently but gently against the back of the hand she offered. As she stared into his gaze, his eyes changed from the darkest brown to melted milk chocolate. They travelled down her body and she felt him, without words, claim her. When his eyes met hers again she, without understanding, yielded herself to him.

To Be Continued...

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