Hello and Welcome fellow Kinkster! Not a kinkster yet? That's okay too! What I do know to be true is you are an alluring, sexual being and no matter how tapped into your sexuality you are now, whether you consider yourself shy and inexperienced or a sex goddess, my mission is to journey with you as you dive in even further.
But don't let me get ahead of myself. I am Serena Chloe and I'm thrilled you've come to play with me. I am currently in the midst of bringing a longtime dream to life; writing my first ever novel. It's an erotic fiction full of steamy smut, playful banter between two unlikely lovers, and an unpredictable ending that will either empower or upset you. It was while planning for my ending to be empowering to my intended, sexy female readers that I realized I wanted to do just that on a bigger, more frequent scale. I want all females of all kinds to feel sexy, lustful, and desirous. Even more importantly, I want each one to know she deserves sex, lust, and desire in her every day life.
One thing that may become apparent about me as this blog developes, okay well actually two things, is 1] I am a feminist. Yes, the kind that marched but 2] I enjoy being man handled by my very large and strong lover. I am his sub when the mood hits us. I put full control in his hands and I fucking love it. This is a topic that I plan to dive into deeper in specific future blog posts, but the point I want to make now is that I see sex from both sides of the female spectrum.
Not ALL sides obviously, but definitely two conflicting ones that when you then add in all the societal and political bullshit aimed at keeping women complacent, controllable, and shamed for their natural sensuality and right to sexual pleasure, I realized I had A LOT to talk about and a very strong urge to help women realize their own sexual confidence. Confidence to dress exactly how she wants. Confidence to come out or experiment. Confidence to grab her crush by the neck of their shirt and start making out. Confidence to be exactly the kind of kinky girl she wishes to be and the resources to live out her kinky life safely.
At the risk of appearing completely vain (For I am my father's daughter), I will admit that being a mere blogger that people stumble over isn't my goal at all and I am going to loudly and proudly admit that I want nothing more than to see 'Serena Chloe' be brought into the same conversations that include Christina Lauren, E. L. James, & Alexa Riley. Yes, I truly think my work has the potential to be that good. Spank me. 😉
So now that you know the first thing about me, an ambitious, conceited, kinky feminist, let me redeem myself before I scare you off. I know that dream won't come true Disney princess style. Not unless there's a Disney princess locked away in a tower with a Dominant and it's not until she learns to fully submit to him and achieves enough orgasms that she can return home to her kingdom to rule her people with ultimate grace and confidence, in which case chances are I would know about it. It's going to take mad amounts of work and dedication from me to bring you, my readers, exactly what you want on a consistent basis.
As this blog grows and more readers join the community, I invite you to interact, ask questions, make requests, share your opinions and take the discussion off this blog and into your life. I hope to ignite your libido with erotic short stories,excerpts from my novel in work, mouth watering art and photography, tips and tricks to spice things up and then provide the resources to help you live out all your own fantasies with topics such as sex toy and lingerie reviews, tools to plan the perfect sexy night in or lust-filled vacation, how to tap into your femininity to awaken the sexual goddess we each have within ourselves, resources to get deeper into the kinkster life, etc. I will also mix in real life issues, both my own and what's happening in the world today. What it means to be a woman, how we can keep moving forward toward gender equality in regards to women's sexual rights, what we can all do to end slut shaming and victim blaming once and for all plus whatever else seems like a discussion worth having to remind women of the powerful, sultry, sensual, strong, empowered goddesses they are.
Happy Exploring!!