You guys, It's way later on Monday than I wanted it to be but alas, I'm human as fuck and this is my first launch...to expect perfection my first time...well, how did it work out for you?
This blog post is exciting because it's my first official post as well as my first Monday Masturbartion submission AND an excerpt from my novel currently in works! I hope it satisfies all your naughty needs. ;)

She wore a lavender nightie made with cool silky material, but her skin was hot to the touch. She lay still in the dark, willing herself to fall asleep, but Quinn popped into her mind. She imagined a vivid image of him crawling onto her bed towards her before crushing half of her with his massive weight and covering her mouth with a commanding kiss while his fingers found the edge of her black panties and pushed them away. She pictured him teasing her most sensitive spots before plunging a long, manly finger inside of her. The mini day dream was so real to her, she could feel her lower belly and inner thighs tingle with expectant lust. She put her own fingers to work, imagining they were Quinn’s, and was surprised at how wet she found herself. Giving into the feeling, she ruffled through her nightstand drawer for her vibrator. She wasn’t even sure it would work or not, it had been so long since it was brought out, but to her delight it turned on and buzzed powerfully.
She teased herself first over her panties, picturing Quinn kissing her inner thighs and along the edges of her panties. She pushed the material away, picturing the viking sized man doing the same before dipping his face between her legs to lick, suck, and nibble her most intimate spot. In reality, she was pleasuring herself with two fingers and holding her vibrator to her clit with her other hand. She pictured Quinn finger fucking her while sucking on and caressing her tits with his free hand. In Becks’ mind nothing is gentle. Quinn savagely explores and worships her body.
A very real orgasm was building, warmth started in her hands and feet and spread towards her core. Her heart was racing, her breathing was jagged. She squeezed her eyes shut as she imagined Quinn holding himself over her and enter her with the most perfect cock. Within seconds, the heat in her body met and exploded where her fingers and vibrator were working all her naughty bits. Becks held her vibrator against her clit while she rode wave after wave of the first orgasm she had in over six months. The explosion raging inside her calmed and she turned her toy off.
Becks finally felt tired and relaxed, but still breathless. She returned her toy back to the drawer but kept it towards the front. She fell back into her cool bed sheets. When she slept, she dreamt of motorcycles.
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