This is the second part to Two Makes a Match. Read that post here first for the full story!
As he took his seat, the room became alive once more. He smiled at her in way that hinted to her he knew exactly what she was feeling. When she had control of her sense once more, she glanced at Tory and Scott to find them watching with matching smirks. Serena took a sip from her flute as a waiter filled Will’s in an attempt to cool her suddenly hot skin.
The rest of the evening consisted of excellent food, decadent dessert, another bottle of champagne, and stimulating conversations. They discussed their careers, families, and travels. Serena felt giddy and sensual as Will hung on to her every word with genuine interest. At some point between dinner and dessert, his hand found her knee under the table. As the warm, rich chocolate tantalized her senses, his large hand slowly inched further up her thigh.
While enjoying her last mouthful, his hand slid high enough to graze the bare skin above the top of her thigh high stockings. She instinctively moved to cross her legs and ease out of his hand’s wandering path, but his touch became a grip on her thigh, preventing the movement. Stunned, she looked at him and was met with warning eyes. Serena swallowed her pride, and with it, the control over her own body.
Will saw as well as felt this as her body relaxed and her legs opened slightly for him. Tory and Scott stayed lost in their own conversation, but Serena had no doubts her best friend was fully aware of what was happening. She met his eyes again and he leaned towards her.
His hot breath sent shivers along her body as he whispered in her ear, “You won’t have what your friend has until you learn to surrender completely.”
His fingers grazed the damp material of her panties. The breath she had been holding without realizing swooshed out of her as she tried to maintain her composure. The simple touch sent fires of lust exploding from her core down her thighs.
After the bill had been settled and the four made their departure, Will’s hand found the small of Serena’s back. “I trust you took an Uber here?” he asked.
“Yes.” she replied simply.
“Good, you are coming home with me. I have my driver waiting for us out front. Scott and I are going to enjoy a cigar while you say your goodbyes to Tory.”
“Surrender” Serena thought to herself as they made their way out onto the bustling city street. Tory and Scott were already waiting and as if on cue, the two men walked a distance away from the entrance and produced cigars from their suit jackets’ breast pockets. Serena watched with curiosity as they made similar gestures to strike matches and puff the flames into the ends of the fine tobacco.
“So?!” Tory tore Serena’s attention from the two men. “What’s going through your head right now?”
Serena thought carefully before speaking. “I guess I knew from what you’ve told me that Scott was a dominant, but I didn’t realize how far you two took it until just now.”
Tory laughed, appearing unsurprised. “I didn’t share all the details because it’s personal. Giving him control lets me be free to experience pleasure on a new level. It can’t be explained to someone who hasn’t experienced the dynamic themselves. Will is a seasoned dom and I knew he would expose his dominance early, even if in subtle ways. I told Scott that you would either be swept off your feet or throw your champagne in Will’s face. Since that didn’t happen, I take it you enjoyed giving yourself to him?”
“He told me I am going home with him.” Serena admitted.
“Do you want to?”
“Let the gaaaaaames begin!” Tory exclaimed whimsically.
“Well ladies,” Scott started as they approached, “ready to call it a night?”
Serena met Will’s gaze and he gestured with a tilt of his head towards a black Lincoln parked in front of the restaurant, “Car is right here.”
The women exchanged final farewells as the men shook hands and before she knew it, Serena was in the comfortable and spacious backseat of the luxurious car. Will barely had the door shut before he turned to pull her face towards him and kissed her fervently. Their lips teased each other until his tongue became ruthless, demanding entry.
His hand slid up her thighs once more and this time she did nothing to block his movements. The smooth black material of her dress rode high, exposing the lace detailing of her stockings, as she spread her legs for him. His fingers teased and caressed over her now soaked panties.
“It feels as if someone rather enjoys my company.” Will panted between kisses. She could only sigh in response before his mouth covered hers again.
Reaching up under her dress to her hip, he fisted the edge of her thin panties and yanked. Serena lifted her ass on impulse, allowing him to remove her undergarments. His kisses had her head swimming through the cosmos as their tongues danced an erotic dance and she found herself wondering what other magical tricks his tongue could do.
As if reading her mind, he broke the kiss, shoved her knees apart wide and lavished her cunt with his tongue before she even realized what was happening. The pleasure was exquisite as he made circles around her clit then buried his tongue inside her before pulling out to circle her clit once again. After sucking her swollen nub into his mouth, he shoved her legs up high, causing more of her to be exposed to him. He then trailed his tongue down, past her entrance to her anus and gently licked before trailing back up to her clit.
Serena gasped in surprise at the foreign maneuver but it was quickly followed by a moan. He pleasured her by sucking, licking, nibbling, and probing all of her intimate holes, moving with such grace and skill she wasn’t sure what was happening, only that she was close to coming. Her hand fisted his hair in an attempt to push him into her wanting cunt but he captured her wrist and pinned it to her sides. Understanding, she didn’t reach to touch him with her free hand and instead moved her hips in circles against his mouth.
“Hold still.” He growled from between her legs.
She immediately froze and he rewarded her by inserting two fingers into her slick and wanting cunt. A third applied steady pressure to her anus without penetrating it, and his mouth continued to tantalize her clit. Within moments, an orgasm ravaged through her. The moan she cried out was sure to be heard by the driver but she gave no fucks. Delicious shivers crashed over her as her cunt pulsed and pleasurable relief washed over every inch of her flushed flesh.
Will removed his fingers but kept his mouth on her, milking every bit of her orgasm and tasting it for himself. When Serena’s gasping moans quieted to satisfied sighs, he lifted his head and his eyes met hers. While watching her face, he picked up her cream colored thong with its noticeable damp spot and pocketed it before closing her legs and righting her dress.
“Your next orgasm,” he said as he settled in next to her, “you will have to earn.”

Thank you Marie!
And then they are not even at his place yet. Hot!
Rebel xox